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Example of Surface Composition Maps:TES, CRISM and HiRISE and  research for 2021 landing site

TES: Hematite


Notice that there is only one area with a large concentration of Hematite.

location of Hematite

Current Research Results using HiRISE and CRISM:

The USA rover, Perseverance, landed in Jezero Crater, Mars on 2/18/2021. One mission goal is to find signs of past life.  Many of the instruments you have been learning about were used to determine where these signs of life might be as illustrated below from two recent research projects by research scientists. These scientists knew which type of surface materials would be the most likely to show signs of past life. They use JMARS to find them!

Jezero Crater 

crater location for 3d print location
3d print of  crater location place

Goudge, Timothy A., et al. “Assessing the Mineralogy of the Watershed and Fan Deposits of the Jezero Crater Paleolake System, Mars.” AGU Journals, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 28 Apr. 2015,

arrows showing minerals on images

Horgan, Briony H.N., et al. “The Mineral Diversity of Jezero Crater: Evidence for Possible Lacustrine Carbonates on Mars.” Icarus, vol. 339, 2020, p. 113526., doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113526.

5 images of different minerals in delta

These minerals and groups are formed on earth in a wet environment where life possibly could have existed or where evidence of life could be found. 

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