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Explore Mars with JMARS
Examples for 3D printing
Nick Piacentine, Mars Space Flight Facility at ASU, sent two pictures that he 3D printed from the JMARS tool. The first dark gray one on the right has an exaggeration of 10 x and is of Olympus Mons, Tharsis Montes and Valles Marineris.
He also made a 3D print (red) of where the rover set down in Jezero Crater. This red print had no exaggeration, which is more realistic.
The Author's image example made with JMARS of the Olympus Mons, Tharsis Montes, and Valles Marineris area with an exaggeration of 6x.
The author's student, Hannah, printed this 3D image of Jezero Crater using the JMARS code.
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