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NGSS standards for studying Mars and planetary objects in our solar system:

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Some Applications to your course work:


Biology. LS1: How does life exist? On Mars, life may have been energized by chemosynthesis or in environments our extremophiles on Earth live. LS2: How would life be different on Mars?


Chemistry PS1: How might the chemical reactions we study on Earth change under the physical constraints of the Martian environment?


Physics HS-PS2: What does Newton’s second law look like with the different gravity, pressure, temperature of Mars? HS-PS3 How does the thermodynamics triple point phase diagram keep the lowest Mars surface to above 130 K? HS-PS4: Create a model Mars living environment or garment that will protect us from the deadly space radiation on Mars. 


Earth Science HS-ESS1:  How can a geologic history of Mars be created without plate tectonics and fossils? (craters density) HS-ESS2: Compare the time it took for internal and surfaces processes, such as sand dune formation to operate on Earth and Mars while refining map and image analysis skills. How did Olympus Mons get so tall?  HS-ESS3: Mars underwent a catastrophic climate change. How can we use that knowledge to help us with our own climate changes?

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