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Overview of Tab 3

Note: The following pages in Tab 3 contain directions for using some of the basic tools in JMARS. Directions are more detailed in early pages.  Later pages assume the user has learned needed skills from prior pages. The more complex tools are not included in this website, ...for now.

To see some of the images you can use to explore Mars with JMARS, watch these image comparisons. Refresh this page to replay the animations.

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Olympus Mons with low exageration
Olympus Mons with large Exaggeration

3D images: Large Vertical Exaggeration

site of large volcanoes
thermal inertia map

Elevation vs Thermal Inertia

volcano calderas
profile of hole

Profiles: Is this a raised flat topped mountain or a depression like a impact crater or caldera?

The exciting part about researching Mars is that there are still so many unknowns. The difficult part is to refrain from concluding too much from limited research. The most important part may be asking the right question. For example a why  or How  question maybe harder to support than a question that starts with:
1. How does ... effect....?
2. What is the effect of ...?
3. What is the relationship between...?

You can start with a why or how question but reword to a testable hypothesis if-then statement or testable research question.

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