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LEVEL 2 Revised question (0-2 pts.)


Choose 1 of your questions to explore. Revise the question into a scientific question you can answer using JMARS and with the amount of time and knowledge you have or will have. Also the question should be well framed (words and concepts defined as used) and able to be tested/answered (1 independent variable). Share your question with others to get feedback. Keep your revised questions on paper or a computer document.


Rubric points guide: My question is a good science question for this project because it:

1. can be answered using JMARS;  can be answered in the amount of time I have; and it can be answered with the knowledge I have or will have.

2. It is well framed/clearly written and has only 1 independent variable.


When you are done, fill in you score card and go to LEVEL 3.

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